Category / Community

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  • Photo by Slava Bowman on Unsplash

    Why We Love Community (And You Should Too!)

    In my earlier article about Building Communities, I mentioned how some communities just grow into existence in an organic way, while others can be like a construction site for some time: carefully…

  • CLSxEurope 2016 Wrap up

    The support services Age of Peers delivers for open source and collaborative projects is based on three pillars, being marketing, media relations and community building. Marketing and media are parts of our…

  • InnerSource: An Open Source Approach to Community Culture

    At Age of Peers we see an increasing move of traditional ‘closed’ companies towards using collaborative processes, sometimes even called anti-processes. This move does not only involve internal processes, but in many…

  • Simple Guidance For You In Building Communities.

    Community building is comprised of practices geared toward the creation or enhancement of community among individuals within a common interest. Communities can grow organically. but once organic growth stops, focus in some…